Donnerstag aus Licht, Acte III : Luzifer (Damien Pass) All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2020 Ircam.
Donnerstag aus Licht, Acte II : Michaels Reise Eva (Iris Zerdoud), Michael (Henri Deléger) The institute offers a unique experimental environment where composers strive to enlarge their musical experience through the concepts expressed in new technologies. At the center of societal and economic concerns combining culture and information technologies, the current research at IRCAM is seen by the international research community as a reference for interdisciplinary projects on the sciences and technologies for sound and music, constantly exposed to society’s new needs and uses. Samstag aus Licht - Stockhausen - Le Balcon - Orchestre d'harmonie du CRR de Paris - Choeur de l'Armée française - Maxime Pascal Vaste cycle opératique à l’ambition démiurgique, Licht brille d’un éclat intense dans l’œuvre de Karlheinz Stockhausen. © Meng Phu Cutting-edge research and diffusion of innovations, an international reference for education and the democratization of artistic practices are the driving forces behind the institute’s educational activities. Samstag forms a long, mysterious prayer.

Please note that surface mail ( which is included in our prices ) can take longer to some countries. In case you prefer additional AIR MAIL, please send us an e-mail and we can tell you the extra costs for your parcel. Since its establishment in 1977, this initiative has provided the foundation for the institute’s activities. Samstag aus Licht (Saturday from Light) is the day of Lucifer : day of death, night of the transition to the light. The fundamental principle of IRCAM is to encourage productive interaction among scientific research, technological developments, and contemporary music production. IRCAM is an internationally recognized research center dedicated to creating new technologies for music. The institute offers a unique experimental environment where composers strive to enlarge their musical experience through the concepts expressed in new technologies. The fundamental principle of IRCAM is to encourage productive interaction among scientific research, technological developments, and contemporary music production. © Meng Phu

On savoure tout de même la noirceur et la profondeur du timbre de Bien entendu, le spectacle n’est pas sans quelques longueurs, mais celles-ci sont un peu la règle du jeu chez Stockhausen. In parallel to its fundamental missions of research and creation, IRCAM is committed to sharing its knowledge and know-how, its technologies with the general public. Apparently picking up from his departure at the end of DONNERSTAG aus LICHT (Thursday From Light), Lucifer is betrayed, dies, and is resurrected, after which he begins his campaign against Humanity once again with a "danse macabre" represented by the writhing features of a giant …

IRCAM is an internationally recognized research center dedicated to creating new technologies for music. SAMSTAGS-GRUSS.

© Meng Phu Conversely, ...

Donnerstag aus Licht, Acte III : Festival – répétition Orchestre à cordes du CRR de Paris, encadré par Elsa Séger, altiste du Balcon.

One of the major issues is the importance of contributing to the renewal of musical expression through science and technology. Samstag aus Licht (Samedi de Lumière) appartient au cycle de sept opéras auquel Stockhausen consacra tous ses efforts entre 1977 et 2003. A Le Balcon, IRCAM – Centre Pompidou, Philharmonie de Paris coproduction.