This feature is not available right now. She also has her staff of Xeris. Talia tem cabelos castanhos, pele escura e olhos de cor âmbar. She wears a white and dark blue striped top with a blue jacket rolled up at the elbows, tan shorts with a blue sash belt and brown shoes with gold buckles. Talia is the most serious of the group of friends, but kind. She is always there when her friends need her the most. She also has a deeper, sadder side to her. She doesn't fool around when Iris and Aurianaare in trouble. Talia also uses the keytar or sometimes guitar, along with vocals in the band Izira eventually allowed Talia to attend the festival after she promised to train harder. Among the girls, she is the most proficient with magic showing discipline and patience. Being a royalty of Talia wields the Wand of Xeris, being able to use it both in offense and defense. She also uses her Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She is always focused and concentrated in missions and tries to teach her friends new spells to be prepared in battle. Being the most proficient of magic in her group, she holds the most knowledge of different spells and their uses. No seu pulso direito se encontra sua jóia de ativação. She is capable of enchanting it with Crystal Sabris to form a double-edged bladed staff. After she transforms, she has light blue hair and it reaches her knees. She is always there when her friends need her the most. Elsa and Anna toddlers - first day - new students - Barbie is teacher - classroom - Duration: 18:37. Come Play With Me 46,822,150 views Talia tem cabelos castanhos que se estende até sua cintura, tem pele morena e olhos de cor âmbar.

Talia is active and bossy when needed.

Talia is active and bossy when needed. Talia is the most serious of the group of friends, but kind. O cristal mágico de Taliaestá localizado em seu bracelete. School started ! Talia has waist brown hair with straight bangs, dark skin, and amber eyes. Izira also allowed Talia to take her Like her friends, Talia uses Crystal Magic. Her magic gem symbol is a blue rhombus. Depois que ela se transforma, ela tem cabelo azul e tinge os joelhos. Ela veste uma regata branca com 5 listras azuis, um mini-short bege, uma fita azul com laço na cintura e um colete com mangas até o cotovelo azul com gola, detalhes e botões de cor dourada. Talia is also very intelligent. Talia is a natural born spell caster. She wears a blue and white strapless dress and cardigan with blue boots and white and blue gloves. Talia is also very intelligent. Talia's magic crystal is located in her bracelet. She doesn't fool around when her friends, Iris and Auriana are in trouble. Seu símbolo é um diamante. Please try again later. She also has a deeper, sadder side to her. She is always focused and concentrated on missions and tries to teach her friends new spells to be prepared in battle.