Hence, Deep Thought made the plans for the supercomputer … You will never see these people’s names in Barnes and Noble – unless it’s at the checkout counter, on their nametag.It reminds me of the spoof of one of those “Motivational Posters” you find in every suck-up manager’s office (the Defeat poster to the right). In short, you need to embrace change as a way to learn, grow and enjoy every part of it.Every single morning when you wake up you need to look forward to the rest of the day. What qualities they have? Who did you were with? When there is a discussion about developing people and growing the team I’m the first one to speak.

4 min read. Or, like playwright Tom Stoppard said:“Life is a game with terrible odds. Don’t let the first obvious answer stop you. What do they have in common that makes you like them? Why are you here? And no, the answer is not “42”. Ultimately, becoming an FSA was a huge personal achievement that I had spent literally Don’t get me wrong. And many of the rules are up to us to define – so maybe we can define them in a way that suits I spent ten years of my career taking (and often failing) the grueling actuarial exams necessary to achieve the designation of Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA). What three friends would you take with you? Where were you? This is the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. Meaning 0=42 What are your passions? Asks yourselves these questions:And again don’t stay on the surface but get deeper. Try to find the values behind values. What does it bring to you? Don’t rush it. Question. It is just a mindset and your decision to start seeing the world this way. There are some core values that tell you how to act, what is right and wrong, who to be friend with and what priorities to focus on. The Ultimate Question is the actual inquiry behind the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.The Ultimate Question was sought after the supercomputer Deep Thought revealed the Ultimate Answer to be 42.When Deep Thought asked, Loonquawl and Phouchg were unable to say what the actual question was.
(Sure beats the heck out of Genghis Khan’s greatest joys! How do you find your core values? Why was it so special? For example, if you say you would take with you to the island a credit card loaded with money and the answer to “why” is “So I can buy stuff.” Don’t stop there. What actions do you take? Let me give you an example of one of my passions. Some people seeking such answers might turn to the Buddha, who’s quoted as saying that “life is suffering,” but what he was talking about was apparently lost in translation and it’s not so much about suffering as about dissatisfaction. Why is it important to you? When there is a need to work on developmental plans or performance improvements I’m the first one to raise my hand and get involved. If it were a bet, you wouldn’t take it.”Sure, life may be a sucker’s bet, but we’re already in the game. No? And when you discover them how can you get more of them into your life? When I know this about myself it is easy to get more of it into my life. In this scenario, the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe and Everything does not exist. Writing in the Guardian he states: …in a know-nothing political age Prospect, the magazine I edit, felt it would be timely to … Why do you consider them the best?The Remote Island Exercise – Imagine you get marooned on a remote tropical island. And always ask why these books, why these movies. For worse or for better, notoriety like that ain’t gonna be in the cards for most of us.Here, I think Hollywood may be doing us a disservice. Which one is the right one? This is to have succeeded!” – Ralph Waldo EmersonNow, I won’t claim that Emerson found the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, here, but he sure seems to be onto something!Whether our life story (or novel) involves a big hairy audacious goal or not, what better way to keep dissatisfaction at bay than laughing often, playing with children, soaking in beauty, making the world better, and helping people? And you need to focus your attention and effort on things you can change rather than complain about stuff that is outside of your sphere of influence. What values should the best friend have? The “Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?” Am I the only one to be amazed by the revelation from Tom Clark, the editor of Prospect magazine that the biggest brains in the world today are obsessed by one, three word question: who are we? All this indicates a real passion for working with people, growing and leading teams. You need to learn to enjoy small wins rather than focus on blunders.

I can steer my career in the direction that gives me the opportunity to use this passion.If you focus on both values and the passions you will discover that they are overlapping, they support and enhance each other. Maybe you discover that it is not about buying stuff but there is some deeper value that just manifests this way.Examine what are the things and activities you are passionate about. Now, close your eyes and imagine that you are the animal. The supercomputer Deep Thought, as seen in the 2005 film. Why did you do it? What if we had a Drupal theme that does exactly what we want? You need to go deep into yourself to find out. So think! Why are they so special to you? And now it has been cracked . And clearly he wasn’t kidding about the wives and daughters part! What values govern your life?The Peak Moments Exercise – Pick couple of moments from your life where you felt great and happy.