"Visit Scotland chief executive Malcolm Roughead welcomed the progress of recent weeks.He added: "We are delighted to start seeing real clarity for the tourism industry - both through the proposed date and these new guidelines which we will help to promote across Scotland. The statistical report also looks at some of the wider impacts of the virus on the healthcare system, comparing recent trends in activity with historic norms. The statistical report also looks at some of the wider impacts of the virus on the healthcare system, comparing recent trends in activity with historic norms. It is updated every Wednesday.

We also use non-essential cookies to help us improve our websites. More information on who has been affected by COVID-19, including hospital and ICU admissions, calls to NHS24 and Scottish Ambulance Service and use of other NHS services is available in the 6,884 cases of suspected COVID-19 in 697 (65%) adult care homes up to 28 July. Modelling reports are available on the General information about coronavirus is available at: new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive noting that Register Offices are now generally closed at weekends) people were in intensive care last night with confirmed COVID-19.254 people were in hospital with confirmed COVID-19.Care homes confirmed cases: 0 new positive COVID-19 cases among care home residents for week week ending 5 August: 3 COVID-19 patients were admitted to hospital.Deaths: week ending 9 August: 5 COVID-19 deaths were registered, of which 2 were in care homes and 2 in hospitals.NHS staff absence: week ending 11 August: On average, 1,305 NHS staff, or around 0.8% of the NHS workforce, reported absent each day for a range of reasons related to COVID-19.Shielding: As at 3 August, 180,228  people who were identified as at high clinical risk of COVID-19 had been advised to shield up to the end of July. It is updated every Wednesday.Public Health Scotland reports on the demographic characteristics (age, sex, deprivation) of people affected by COVID-19. to decide how many Intensive Care Beds (ICU) we need for COVID patients.

As we all know, the tourism industry is a resilient one as we saw after foot and mouth and 9/11 but this is already looking to be more severe and we will be working closely with the industry once we move into recovery mode. It is updated every Wednesday. We have been notified by Health Boards or the Care Inspectorate of 7 deaths of healthcare workers and 13 deaths of social care workers, related to COVID-19.

Anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms while in the Netherlands – whether they live here or are just visiting – should stay at home or in their holiday accommodation and get tested. We are not able to confirm how many of these staff contracted COVID-19 through their work.The data reported is management information based on a range of operational systems. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a devastating impact on the tourism and events industry. On Thursday, Scotland moved into phase two, which includes relaxing the rules on meeting other people and setting a date for shops to reopen. In phase three live events may be able to take place with …

There have been 5,426 deaths (from all causes) of those who had been advised to shield. (This measure is no longer being updated – people have died who have tested positive, and 4,213 deaths have been registered in Scotland where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate.46% of COVID-19 registered deaths related to deaths in care homes, 46% were in hospitals and 7% were at home or non-institutional settings.

Read further details on the local measures in Aberdeen on the Scottish Government website which includes the following in relation to travel: People in Aberdeen City are asked not to travel more than 5 miles for leisure or recreational purposes. Gov.scot uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. The route map outlines a four-phase process on how Scotland will move carefully and gradually through the crisis, with the possibility of events featuring in phases three and four. 43 new confirmed cases of COVID-19; this is 1.1 % of newly tested individuals. Our Holidays & Breaks page has everything you need - with short break ideas provided by the industry stars of our film, a short video on how to enjoy safe travels in Scotland, and all the latest Covid-19 advice including our new Good to Go scheme. The results of this work are used to help the Scottish Government and the wider public sector, and in particular the health service, plan and put in place what is needed to keep us safe and treat people who have virus e.g.

"The coming months will be extremely challenging but the Scottish government is doing everything in its power to ensure this vital sector bounces back. These are external links and will open in a new windowScotland's hotels, restaurants and pubs have been given new guidance as they prepare to reopen.The tourism and hospitality industry is set to emerge from almost four months of lockdown on 15 July.But businesses will have to adopt to the new reality through measures ranging from social distancing to improved hand hygiene.Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing said: "The coming months will be extremely challenging. "Everyone is excited about being able to get tourism up and running again and these guidelines will give the industry the insight they need to reopen.

Fergus Ewing last week said the tourism industry could begin making preparations for the reopening of the sector on 15 July Scottish numbers: 16 August 2020. We are delighted to see such a speedy response to support the industry in Scotland.

Plan your break to Scotland now, because Only In Scotland can travelling so little make such a big difference. But it does give us the opportunity to review how we rebuild our visitor economy together, working with the tourism and events industry, stakeholders and the communities we operate in.