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Apple’s latest flagship gadget has a powerful triple camera system which is triggering trypophobia attacks in people who see pictures of it.Encountering a certain arrangement of small holes such as the ones on the surface of a lotus plant can be very discomforting for trypophobics.Dozens of people have taken to Twitter to share their stories of woe after encountering images of the iPhone 11 Pro, which was revealed today at an event in California.The YouTuber Eva Gutowski tweeted: ‘Three cameras on the new iPhone actually triggers my trypophobia.‘I can’t have people walking around me with those cameras every day.’Influencer and food blogger Mona Nomura also shared a picture showing several iPhone 11 Pro handsets and wrote: ‘WTF are these?‘They look like spider faces and activate my trypophobia.
It’s bad newsMind-bending optical illusion makes stationary cubes appear to moveAnti-5G group crowdfunds £100,000 to hire superstar lawyer to fight roll-outUsing Windows 10? Think goosebumps, pores, or infections.Need visual examples? But that camera system is triggering people into panic attacks and tweets of discontent.
Not that anyone needs to defend their reactions to something or explain their feelings so that I and others can understand this phobia, but my brain couldn’t make the leap from camera lens to holes to night sweats and pants shitting.Researchers Geoff Cole and Arnold Wilkins of the Centre for Brain Science at the University of Essex had some I get it. The iPhone 11 design has been released and people are losing their minds for a lot of reasons. Apple unveiled its new iPhone models on Tuesday -- but while some tech fans applauded the new phones' design and specifications and others weighed in … You’ll never be able to uninstall Edge, Microsoft says But apparently others can’t afford the therapy it will take to undo the damage done by the new design.Here’s the deal: The three-camera cluster is causing people with Clearly I don’t have this phobia because when I saw the new design I was like this:But after seeing people turn what seems to be a benign phone design into accusations of nightmares, I had to know more.Basically, it is the fear of a cluster of holes.
The iPhone 11 Pro’s triple camera system is making trypophobia sufferers feel uncomfortable (Image: Getty/ Apple) The new iPhone 11 Pro … If you are like this person, heads up. The new iPhone 11 Pro is now triggering some people’s trypophobia, which is the overwhelming emotional fear of a repetitive pattern of holes clustered together.
The new iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max have left a certain group of people feeling a bit uneasy. All aboard the iPhone 11 NOPE train… choo-chooooooooo.’im gonna sleep peacefully knowing im not gonna spend money on the trypophobia product called iphone 11 I've had really bad trypophobia for years now and seeing pics of the new iPhone 11 all over my timeline makes me want to set everything on fire..stop 3 cameras on the new iPhone actually triggers my trypophobia. These patterns can be found on wood, plants, animals sponges—even skin. You might scroll down a bit.Hahahahaha SO happy there’s a million tweets about the new iPhone 11 and how’s it’s messing with peoples Please stop showing the pics to explain what trypophobia is YOU’RE FREAKING ME OUT.The new iPhone is creeping me TF out with the 3 little cameras. By Mary Ward. When I see the eyes of my three kids looking at me while using the bathroom, I get really anxious being stared at too.While it is not recognized as a mental disorder in the Whether you understand this phobia or not, most of us can agree that the new iPhone might be just a tad out of our price range.Get daily updates, kick-ass content, and curated recommendations.Get daily updates, kick-ass content, and curated recommendations.Get daily updates, kick-ass content, and curated recommendations.We use cookies to collect information from your browser to personalize content and perform site analytics. But that camera system is triggering people into panic attacks and tweets of discontent. The iPhone 11 design has been released and people are losing their minds for a lot of reasons. Apparently when folks see the iPhone they see this:apple didn't think about those of us with trypophobia when making the iphone 11, huh?if i see one more person rt or like sum on my tl that has sum to do with the new iphone 11 and the fucking camera giving me trypophobia i will BLOCKBut why?
That’s a common one.’The psychologist said trypophobia is a ‘matter of degree’, with some people facing a serious response when they encounter a trigger image and others only suffering minor effects.Last year psychologists released a study which suggested people suffering from trypophobia are hit by a physiological response more like disgust than fear when they encounter a group of small holes.‘Some people are so intensely bothered by the sight of these objects that they can’t stand to be around them,’ Stella Lourenco, a psychologist at Emory University, said in a statement.‘The phenomenon, which likely has an evolutionary basis, may be more common than we realize.’Apple threatens Unreal Engine development as Epic Games issues restraining orderLearn how to retrain for a job in health and social care#FreeFortnite: Why is Epic Games suing Apple over Fortnite?Why you need to be thinking about training for your career NOWWearing a mask helps stop Covid-19 spreading, study confirmsHow long does Covid-19 immunity last after infection? The iPhone 11 is the smartest of smartphones, has great battery life, and a triple-camera system. On occasion, we also use cookies to collect information from our toddlers, but that’s a totally different thing. Personally, I’m an Android user who can’t afford a phone like this even if I wanted one. When trypophobes see holes grouped together in tight formations, panic settles in. I can’t have people walking around me with those cameras every day Dr Geoff Cole, a senior lecturer at the University of Essex’s Centre for Brain Research, published the first academic paper on trypophobia.He believes that patterns of holes which triggers trypophobia have a ‘mathematical structure’ similar to the arrangement of colours or markings on a predator or poisonous animals and plants.Earlier this year, he told Metro: ‘I get letters and emails all the time which say things like: “I couldn’t go to work for three days when I saw an image.”‘Others say they find it hard to concentrate after viewing one.‘For many people, they see something bad and it keeps playing on their mind. Visit our The iPhone 11 is the smartest of smartphones, has great battery life, and a triple-camera system. ... What is trypophobia, and can the new iPhone camera actually trigger it?