Asian Politics & Policy
Asian Politics & Policy (APP) is a peer-reviewed online journal sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization (PSO), a related organization of the American Political Science Association (APSA). The journal is managed by the Asian Center, University of the Philippines and is published quarterly by Wiley-Blackwell beginning in 2009.

Asian Politics & Policy is dedicated to publishing quality articles on issues related to the domestic and international affairs of Asia. The objective of the journal is to deepen readers’ understanding of political development and policy innovations in Asia, the growing trend of economic and political integration in East Asia, and the dynamic relations among Asian countries and between Asia and other parts of the world.
In addition to scholarly research articles,Asian Politics & Policy provides book reviews, reviews of useful electronic media sources, and a special section called Praxis focused on the practice of public policy. It seeks to share theoretical as well as practical perspectives on contemporary questions, targeting both scholars and policy practitioners among its readers.
Asian Politics and Policy informs the reader – typically a keen observer of contemporary Asian affairs – of new developments and issues in the Asian region, bridging the domestic and the international dimensions, while emphasizing the geographic, historical, and cultural contexts of change. Both scholars and policy practitioners will find it useful.
The Editor in Chief is Aileen S.P. Baviera (University of the Philippines, Philippines)
Joseph Camilleri sits on the Advisory Board.