Globalisation: The Perspectives and Experiences of the Religious Traditions of Asia Pacific
Joseph A. Camilleri and Chandra Muzaffar (eds), Globalization: The Perspectives and Experiences of the Religious Traditions of Asia Pacific, Kuala Lumpur: JUST, 1998, 214 pp.

Globalisation is the buzz word of our time. Its impact is profound. As capital and labour, technology and skills, ideas and values cross boundaries, societies everywhere are undergoing rapid changes, some of which have far reaching implications. Countries in the Asia Pacific region in particular are right at the heart of this globalisation process.
While there have been numerous meetings on the economic, developmental and technological dimensions of globalisation in recent years, the July 1997 conference organised by the International Movement for a Just World with the co-operation of the International Christian Peace Movement was one of those rare occasions which attempted to examine the impact of globalisation upon religious traditions and cultural communities. In fact, this was the first time that scholars and activists from all the major religions and cultures in Asia Pacific had come together to reflect upon this important issue.
This book contains all the papers presented at the conference as well as a brief summary of the lively discussion that took place in the workshops. Our hope is that it will stimulate further reflection, and contribute to the growing solidarity and dialogue between the diverse civilisational influences that make up the dynamic and unique region of the world that is Asia Pacific.
1. The Challenge of Globalisation 1
Anwar Ibrahim
2. Globalisation and the New Internationalism 5
J. A. Camilleri
Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Globalisation
3. The Confucian Worldview 19
Tan Chee-Beng
4. A Hindu Perspective 31
Gedong Bagoes Oka
5. Implications for Christianity 41
Tim Costello
6. Islamic Society and the Challenge of Globalisation 51
Taufik Abdullah
7. Can Corporations Become Enlightened? Buddhist Reflections on TNCs 63
David Loy
8. An Indigenous Religious/Cultural Perspective 75
Manuka Henare
The Experiences of Religious and Cultural Communities
9. Globalisation Seen from a Buddhist Perspective 91
Pracha Hutanuwatr
10. Christian Reflections on the Philippine Experience 105
Julio Xavier Labayen
11. The Aboriginal Experience 121
Mary Graham
12. Spiritualising Real Estate, Commoditising Pilgrimage: The Muslim Minority in Thailand 135
Chaiwat Satha-Anand
13. The Case of the Middling Grassroots in Korea 147
Sangjin Han
14. The Experiences of the Hindu Community in Malaysia 161
J. Jegathesan
15. Globalisation and Religion: Some Reflections 179
Chandra Muzaffar
About the Authors 191
Appendix I: Report on Plenary and Workshop Discussions 194
Appendix II: The Celebration of Civiklisations - A Call to Action 210
Text of the Declaration adopted by the Regional Conference, held on 4-6 July 1997 in Shah Alam, Malaysia, organised by the International Movement for a Just World in co-operation with the International Christian Peace Movement (PAX CHRISTI), Australia.