A Middle East zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction as well as their means of delivery
Joseph A. Camilleri et al., Athens Dialogue on A Middle East zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction as well as their means of delivery (WMDFZ), published by the European Public Law Organization, Athens and the Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2013.

Drop all preconditions and start parallel talks simultaneously on freeing the Middle East of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction and negotiating an end to the Palestine crisis. This is one of the main conclusions in a major Report published by La Trobe University Centre for Dialogue (Melbourne) and the Athens-based European Public Law Organization.
The report is in four languages (English, Hebrew, Farsi and Arabic) and carries a foreword by Judge Christopher Weeramantry, former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice. It comes at the end of a year-long project involving extensive research and discussions in the Middle East and Europe, and an intensive two-day Dialogue which took place in Athens/Sounion, Greece and brought together Israeli, Palestinian, Arab, Iranian and other Middle Eastern civil society leaders, former diplomats, and some diplomatic representatives.