Reimagining the Future: Towards Democratic Governance
Joseph A. Camilleri, Majid Tehranian and Kamal Malhotra, Reimagining the Future: Towards Democratic Governance, Melbourne: La Trobe University, Department of Politics, 2000, xxxiii+101 pp.

A report of the Global Governance Reform Project
Project directors and sponsoring institutions:
- Joseph A. Camilleri, The Department of Politics La TrobeUniversity, Melbourne
- Kamal Malhotra, Focus on the Global South, Bangkok
- Majid Tehranian, The Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research, Tokyo and Honolulu
Reimagining the future comes at a critical moment in the evolution of the world political economy and at a time when many of our regional and global institutions are at best precariously poised.
The report, in the making for three years, involved numerous exchanges, a series of international meetings, and the support and advice of many experts and interested organizations from several continents. It offers a multi-faceted analysis of our current predicament, the obstacles that lie in the path of substantial reform, and the advocacy of a comprehensive and innovative approach to normative and institutional change.
The report stresses the connections between economy and security; presents a holistic framework encompassing states, markets, and civil society; and makes the democratic ethic central to the reform agenda.
Contributors to the project vii
Foreword xi
Preface xvii
Summary proposals 1
Part 1 Democratizing global governance 9
Part 2 Governance of global financial flows 33
Part 3 Global peace and security 59
A concluding note 97
Sponsoring institutions 99