Religion and Culture in Asia Pacific: Violence or Healing?
Joseph A. Camilleri (edited with with the assistance of Larry Marshall), Religion and Culture in Asia Pacific: Violence or Healing?, Melbourne: Vista Publications, May 2001, 228p.

This collection of essays brings us the accumulated wisdom of some of the most important theorists and practitioners of conflict resolution in Asia Pacific. It paints a daunting picture of the great challenge ahead, but at the same time conveys an empowering sense of the enormous resources which the spiritual and ethical traditions of this Asia-Pacific region can bring in response to that challenge.
Perspectives on Religion and Culture
1. The Key to Reconciliation: sharing the memory of the past / Peter Carnley 2
2. Building Effective Ethical-moral Co-operation in a Pluralist Universe / Wan Azizah Wan Ismail 8
3. Are Religions for or Against Human Security? From closed to open religiosity / Kinhide Mushakoji 17
4. Religion in Asia Pacific Region: the challenge without; the change within / Chandra Muzaffar 31
Healing Divided Societies
5. Horizontal Conflict and the Ordinary People of Post-SoehartoIndonesia / Wimar Witoelar 42
6. Healing Divided Societies: the Sri Lankan experience / A. T. Ariyaratne 47
7. Healing Divisions after Conflict in Bougainville / Lorraine Garasu 56
8. Religion and Culture in Fiji: violence or healing? / Ganesh Chand 61
The Role of Islam
9. Islam and the West: conflict or co-operation? / Amin Saikal 74
1O. Islam and Christianity in Indonesia: the roots of conflict and hostility / Azyumardi Azra 84
11. Islam and the West: the Australian experience / Jamila Hussain 93
Reclaiming Spirituality
12. The Prophets and the Murderers: re-enchanting peace with prophetic paradigms / Chaiwat Satha-Anand 104
13. Inter-faith Dialogue: moving forward; setting premises and paradigms / Kamar Oniah Kamaruzaman 113
14. Resisting State Authority by Mobilizing Spiritual Resources / Gan Teik Chee 129
Human Rights
15. Striving for a Truly Spiritual Culture / Swami Agnivesh 130
16. Tibetan Tools for Nonviolent Conflict Resolution / Gabriel Lafitte 141
17. Burma, a Country in Conflict: ethnic and religious conflict as a consequence of political conflict / Myint Cho 149
18. Peacekeeping in Cambodia: from Cold War conflict towards democracy / Sue Downie 163
Practical Initiatives
19. Indigenous Concept of Peace and Human Security / Motarilavoa Hilda Lini 178
20. The Nuclear Challenge in Asia Pacific: the way forward / Ronald McCoy 185
21. Inter-Civilization Dialogue and Conflict Resolution / K. Haridas 195
Concluding Reflections / Joseph A. Camilleri 205
Appendix 1: Report on Workshop discussions 212
Appendix 2: A Note on Fax Christi Australia, JUST, and the Uniting Church of Australia 227