Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order: The Political Economy of Asia Pacific - Vol. 2
Joseph A. Camilleri, Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order: The Political Economy of Asia Pacific Vol. 2, Aldershot, UK, Edward Elgar, 2003, xviii + 408 pp.

Regionalism in the Asia-Pacific is a complex, diverse, highly contested and still rapidly evolving phenomenon. Crucial to an understanding of this phenomenon is the relationship between globalization and regionalization, between states, markets and civil society, and between US hegemony and Asian aspirations.
This volume, the sequel to States, Markets and Civil Society in Asia Pacific, makes these interacting relationships the centrepiece of its analysis. It examines the multiple attempts at institutional innovation, especially over the last twenty years, by placing them in their geo-political, geo-economic and cultural contexts. ASEAN, the ASEAN Regional Forum, APEC, ASEAN+3, ASEM, sub-regional economic zones, KEDO, CSCAP and other organizations are surveyed not as ends in themselves but for what they tell us of shifting political, economic and normative trends in Asia-Pacific and beyond.
Comparing and contrasting the roles of great and middle powers, of state and non-state actors, and of governmental and non-governmental regional organizations, this book will appeal to scholars with an interest in the political economy of the Asia-Pacific region, international relations, and regional and global governance. Regionalism in the New Pacific Order will be invaluable to policymakers, diplomats, business analysts, journalists, NGO representatives, and researchers with a stake in the future development of the Asia-Pacific region.
The book was launched by Prof Desmond Ball (Australian National University) on 23 October 2003. The book launch was hosted by Asialink and Reader's Feast Bookstore
1. Conceptualizing Region and Regionalism
2. Asia-Pacific as Region
3. Regionalism in the Era of Bipolarity
4. ASEAN: Transition to the New Regionalism
5. Multilateral Responses to Competitive Interdependence
6. Limits of the New Regionalism
7. ASEAN: The Challenges of Adaptation
8. Multilateralism by Other Means
9. Clash or Dialogue of Civilizations? State and Civil Society
10. Comprehensive Security: An Emerging Architecture for Asia Pacific