Jesse James was a lad that killed many a man He robbed the Danville train He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor He'd a hand, a heart, and a brain Jesse was a man, a friend to the poor He couldn't see a brother suffer pain And with his brother Frank he robbed the Springfield bank And he stopped the Glendale train Poor Jesse had a wife, a lady all her life And three children, they were so brave But that … 9 0 obj

�l47U�U��̏ݠ{H��=*�1r�/� �Y(H}-���L/�QF��D2iȢX���fC=�\�T�[̎3�j��r;��iq���z=�di��f��w�Y[9ت��l���4����y V9u�E{p�����"��X�!v���� ��E�u(�k�27��C�@t�sM��A�4 ��n���7�Bok��U���l���5-�+���A7z �p�)�����A�!��aڢ���aq�mS֪�98�M��n����m6���t=�Oo�*�`��>��s$ob endobj He stole from the rich and he gave to the poor. Jesse James was a lad who killed many men. 2 0 obj<> endobj He had hand and a heart and a brain. 6 0 obj<>/CropBox[0 45 612 792]/Parent 4 0 R/Type/Page/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> Robert Ford caught his eye and shot him on the sly. He robbed the Glendale train. endobj The date of its first release, is also unknown, but as it was performed on the streets, it became an immediate success.

Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life. %���� 8 0 obj<>/CropBox[0 45 612 792]/Parent 4 0 R/Type/Page/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> �y0�k�����'L�[�\��4�s>���JUE�7�2Qi�؟�w����f�R��E��rW�ReE������breV���KC���Zᖥ[��P��Z�L�ᜧv����`�\H^�&׈(}��w;���s�k�B2���MDV��Ь=�p n�zsJ��m�]�֭I�_\��Ċ,c�$��*�1V�䄉���λM` 1 0 obj<> from "A Clipping from My Jesse James Scrapbook" by Thurston James. <>stream 5 0 obj<>/CropBox[0 45 612 792]/Parent 4 0 R/Type/Page/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> Three children they were so brave. The Ballad of Jesse James. endobj

7 0 obj<>/CropBox[0 45 612 792]/Parent 4 0 R/Type/Page/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>>

endobj The song's popularity played a significant part in perpetuating the legend of Jesse James and his role as a … endobj endobj endobj x��]Ks�6��W��b)5� �{��f2q屙�V�=Ȗl+#�[���| �H�re��n�Ս~�I~M���$3�v�����OEr�p���UU�(&�d}�3.���i�*��]�i��G$7GY*8g��s�Le�ҍ�**Q%�~��z��,���S/���3��*�y�Trv����2���w��eZ&+R.���џ��� O�*J9����TI����@�E5I�YZr�U1y?=)�RVY1�MO�T�R����s�m�s=��+3,1K䪪���u��j�{vz������߯�z�Y�r�,UM��d�����y�k� Y5�gu��mg�+}�����_}ا-�39����gw�I:�S;u���@�"r���D��sQ��J�̱��Ę�&�z��H�ټ�T݁�T �G�;�e*��S%,O��ak�0Y���4\5�_Ny�U�*&���I� 3 0 obj<>

The Ballad of JESSE JAMES. 4 0 obj<> %PDF-1.4 The Ballad of Jesse James was composed by an unknown author.