RELATED: Morbius and New Mutants Crossing Into Horror is Smart for Superhero Movies. On this IMDbrief, we will explore how Morbius could set up the long-rumored Sinister Six movie. With Venom and Morbius potentially appearing in a Spider-Man movie, it would greatly enhance the film's box office potential. Following the release of Sony’s Morbius trailer starring Jared Leto and the surprise appearance by Michael Keaton, discussion has already shifted to a Sinister Six film. Bei den „Sinister Six“ handelt es sich um eine Vereinigung von Superschurken mit wechselnden Mitgliedern, zu der über die Jahre auch Venom, Doctor Octopus, Vulture und Mysterio gehörten. Fans of Spider-Man have taken to social media, convinced that the upcoming Morbius is a gateway to The Sinister Six… Morbius ein Film von Daniel Espinosa mit Jared Leto, Matt Smith (XI). Mojo and Chameleon kidnapped Spider-Man and his X-Men students in order to fight them on a reality tv show they created to fight the Sinister Sixty- Six. Lifelong lover of comics, anime, and weird films.
Weitere Informationen über Cookies finden Sie in unserer In "Morbius" (2020) erhält Jared Leto eine weitere Chance, in die Rolle eines Comic-Superschurken zu schlüpfen.
While Vulture, Shocker, and Mysterio seem like obvious choices, Peter after losing his uncle ben, Tony stark, getting his identity revealed to the public, and now the Sinister Six after him: Based on these Marvel Spider-Man films, and what's now taking place in the spinoffs, it really seems like Peter Parker has the worst luck ever. By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the Now that we know that Keaton is almost certainly reprising his role as Vulture in Scroll below for the breakdown of why Marvel fans think a Suddenly, Marvel fans are seeing such thick walls between Marvel Studios and Sony's Spider-Man movie franchise. While Kraven is the only one of those characters who has a real history in the Sinister Six, any of those potential movies could bring a few more Spider-Man villains into the mix. A surprising cameo from the Vulture (Michael Keaton) in the Morbius trailer suggests that Sony's Spider-Man universe truly is building toward the introduction of the Sinister Six. Ein gigantisches Objekt liegt in der Antarktis verborgen – Forscher versuchen Existenz zu klären ‘Spider-Man’ Fans Sure Think SoFans of Spider-Man have taken to social media, convinced that the upcoming Morbius is a gateway to The Sinister Six's big screen debut.Well, one of the ideas that has gotten a lot of traction is the The sheer overuse of capital letters says it all, really. Even though Morbius was just a hologram, he was by far the greatest member of the team. In DCs "Suicide Squad" (2016) versagte er dabei, doch könnte der Marvel-Film eine neue Chance für ihn bedeuten.Denkbar wäre außerdem, dass Espinosa größere Pläne für "Morbius" hat, als er es bislang vermuten lässt. Er mutierte zu einem Pseudo-Vampir, der nur durch die Aufnahme menschlichen Blutes überleben kann und wurde zu einem erbitterten Feind der freundlichen Spinne aus der Nachbarschaft. Boomerang's real identity is Frederick Myers. Is ‘Morbius’ Setting Up ‘Sinister Six’? Schaffen sie es gesammelt ins Mavel Cinematic Universe (MCU)?Spekulationen, dass Mysterio den Kampf auf der Tower Bridge in "Far From Home" überlebt haben könnte, gibt es zu genüge. Bis es jedoch soweit ist, erwarten dich zunächst die neuen Rumors of a Sinister Six movie have been going strong for years. Venom. The end credits and final scenes for The script, written by Drew Goddard, was teased as a redemptive story for the six villains. In one trailer, Sony has made all these new Spider-Man movies look connected. With Alex Logan. Since the MCU Vulture debuted in One character no one expected to see, however, is Michael Keaton's Vulture, who cameos in what appears to be a prison jumpsuit at the end of the trailer. However, it's not clear how much of a role Spider-Man would have had. "The idea makes too much sense not to happen, and even though What at first appears to be a radical success soon reveals itself to be a remedy potentially worse than the disease. Sollte Jared Leto seine Rolle im neuen Marvel-Film gut machen, könnten dich schon bald die "Sinister Six" erwarten. While Sony's Morbius may be what sets them up, it could be a Marvel film that acts on Morbius' Sinister Six tease. While not specifically featured or even teased in the Morbius trailer, the trailer makes it a point of … Goddard would later go on to work on the first season of Netflix's By this point, Spider-Man had already been rebooted into the MCU, removing the foundation upon which After all, the script would likely need to be drastically re-written if it were to be used today. Durch Nutzung dieser Website stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies für Analysen, personalisierte Inhalte und Werbung zu. With so many possible clues pointing to Norman already, how far off can this reveal really be? Another Spider-Man villain like Doctor Octopus, the founder of the Sinister Six, appear in this future film.It might be tempting to conclude that Sony will use the characters introduced While it's still not clear if Venom or Morbius might join up with the Sinister Six or if Vulture and Mysterio will get the chance to work together, Sony is steadily added pieces to Spider-Man's world that could add up to the Sinister Six.Earned my MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. In Marvel Comics, the Sinister Six is a team of Spider-Man's biggest villains whose primary goal is to bring down their greatest nemesis. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The team was originally formed in the 1960s when Doctor Octopus, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Mysterio… It looks like this is what could happen.
Damit gelangen die Sinister Six mit Jared Leto als Morbius in greifbare Nähe. I’m just hoping they add Prowler to the Sinister Six and get Donald Glover back Donald Glover was a fan-favorite for his bit role as Aaron Davis in
The only element of this Sinister Six movie missing is the character both Spider-Man and MCU fans have been waiting for: Norman Osborn.