
7 September 2014

Interview by Chip Henriss in Crosslight

Pax Christi, an organisation that has for more than 40 years played a vital role in promoting issues of peace and disarmament, is looking to its future.

Its dedicated members, who have engaged with issues such as the Vietnam War, nuclear disarmament and conflicts in Afghanistan and the Middle East – are beginning to age.

14 September 2014
Old and new conflicts have visited immense devastation 
on the peoples of the Middle East. One could be 
forgiven for thinking that the United Nations is fiddling 
while the Middle East is burning.
19 September 2014

Comment on Richard Falk's essay: 'Changing the Political Climate: A Transitional Imperative', in Great Transition Network, September 2014

29 September 2014

This article was published by The Conversation on 29 september 2014.

The article may be viewed

7 October 2014

First Lecture: Are we entering a new Cold War?

PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here the_new_cold_war.ppt

7 October 2014

A series of 4 lectures presented by Emeritus Professor Joseph A.

7 November 2014

A public forum to consider Australia’s World War I commemoration and whether it pays appropriate respect to those who died believing in a better world.

World War I brought death to approximately 61,000 Australians and shattered the lives of countless others. Globally, a generation was virtually lost.
The legacy of the war continues to this day. A century on, does our commemoration stop short of asking the hard questions such as how such a cataclysmic event could occur, what we learnt from it and whether that responsibility to learn has been lost amid the flag-waving?

Keynote Address
27 October 2014

Tasmanian Peace Trust Annual Lecture, Hobart

The lecture was published by the Tasmanian Peace Trust.

12 October 2015

Ethical consulting for the Global Age
