

Luca Anceschi, Joseph Camilleri and Fabio Petito, ‘Europe, the United States and the Islamic World: Conceptualising a Triangular Relationship’, International Politics, 46(5), September 2009, 505-516.

1 November 2013 to 3 November 2013

Title of Paper

'Asia’s Rise and the West’s Decline: China’s role in the emerging world order'

Presented to:  Panel 1 - New Type of Great Power Relations: Opportunities and Challenges



A one-year pilot research/educational project funded by the Reichstein Foundation, the Uniting Church of Australia (Victoria Synod) and La Trobe University.

The programme, conducted during 2003-2004, was designed to foster a deeper dialogue in Muslim-Christian relations in Victoria in the context of the disturbing developments of the last few years (i.e. September 11, Bali bombings, the “war on terror”, Iraq War). 

14 November 2012 to 16 November 2012

A year-long project involving extensive research and discussions in the Middle East and Europe, and an intensive two-day Dialogue which took place last November in Athens/Sounion, Greece.

Details of the project are available in a report written in four languages (English, Hebrew, Farsi and Arabic). The report carries a foreword by Judge Christopher Weeramantry, former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice.


An Academy-supported workshop on The Prospects for Regional Cooperation: Opportunities for Indonesian-Australian Collaboration was hosted by the Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe University Melbourne in collaboration with its partner institution the Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM), State Islamic University Jakarta on 25-26 June 2013, Parkview Hotel on St Kilda.
