Lectures & Talks

2010 - Present

5 September 2017

Ours is a time of turbulence, but now on a planetary scale. Many in the western world, Australia included, are anxious about the future, unsure where to turn for guidance or inspiration. Some seek to exploit these anxieties, offering black and white explanations of our predicament. For some, the problem is immigration, for others Islamic fundamentalism, or simply Islam. For others still, it is the conspiracy about global warming, or the forces driving globalisation.

5 September 2017

In September I presented two lectures with the focus on Australia: how we see ourselves and ‘others’, how we understand our place in the world, what kind of future we envisage for ourselves and the Earth. 

27 May 2017

The talk given at the JIM Convnetion 2017 addressed the rising levels of anxiety in much of the Western world. The rise of the far right is one fo the most striking symptoms of the growing malaise. The inbseucrity people feel has much to do with rising economic and social inequalities - what some have called 'the ugly side of globalization'. 

9 May 2017

These two lectures were delivered at St Michael's on Collins, in Melbourne on two consecutive Tuesdays, 9th and 16th May 2017

The first covered the rapidly evolving relations between three major centres of power: America, Russia and China.

27 September 2016

This is the fourth of a series of four lectures given at St Michael's on Collins, Melbourne

Below is the PowerPoint presentation which inludes links to several websites.

These highlight important initiatives and projects involving resistance to violence and diverse approaches to conflict transformation, including peacebuilding, peacemaking.

20 September 2016

This is the third of a series of four lectures given at St Michael's on Collins, Melbourne

Below are the the PowerPoint presentation and several links:

The first is a link to my website giving details of the book

Why Human Security Matters: Rethinking Australian foreign policy


13 September 2016

This is the first of a series of four lectures given at St Michael's on Collins, Melbourne

Below are the the PowerPoint presentation and several links:

The first is a link to video clip in which Waleed Aly speaks out on the issue of Aborignial deaths in custody


The second is a link to the website of the organisation Animals Australi

6 September 2016

This is the first of a series of four lectures given at St Michael's on Collins, Melbourne

Below are the PowerPoint preseentation and two links:

  • The first is a link to the current state of the Doomsday Clock, first established by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947.

7 April 2016


St Michael's on Collins

120 Collins Street - Melbourne

6.00 - 8.30 pm

22 November 2015



The address highlighted the unprecedented crisis in international relations: breakdown of international humanitarian relations law, the largest wave of displaced peopl

26 October 2015

Presentation given at the fourth forum organised by the Anzac Centenary Peace Coalition From Military Security to Human Security

9 July 2015

A public forum at which Professor Joseph Camilleri and Dr Mick Pope spoke on the encyclical Laudato Si' issued by Pope Francis in May 2015.

15 April 2015

A public forum in Professor Joseph Camilleri, Professor Marilyn Lake and the Hon Ted Bailieu led a Q&A ABC-style convesation on the history and future of Anzac Day.

Th event was moderated by Cr Coral Ross, Mayor of the City of Boroondara.

19 March 2015

A Presentation to the Medical Grand Round, Royal Melbourne Hospital, 19 March 2015

The PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here Filez_presentation_rmh.pptx

7 November 2014

A public forum to consider Australia’s World War I commemoration and whether it pays appropriate respect to those who died believing in a better world.

World War I brought death to approximately 61,000 Australians and shattered the lives of countless others. Globally, a generation was virtually lost.
The legacy of the war continues to this day. A century on, does our commemoration stop short of asking the hard questions such as how such a cataclysmic event could occur, what we learnt from it and whether that responsibility to learn has been lost amid the flag-waving?

7 October 2014

First Lecture: Are we entering a new Cold War?

PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here the_new_cold_war.ppt

7 October 2014

A series of 4 lectures presented by Emeritus Professor Joseph A.

21 November 2013

Address delivered to a Community Leaders Forum organised by Australians for Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt

16 September 2013

Presentation made at the "The Business of Politics" Panel discussion hosted by the La Trobe Business School in conjunction with the Centre for Dialogue

24 February 2012

Talk given at the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church 

4 February 2012

 A lecture presented to the Borderlands Breakfast series

26 August 2011

The Iftar dinner was hosted by Darebin City Council in the Darebin Arts and entertainment Centre, Melbourne, 

10 August 2011

Delivered the 2011 ANU Chaplaincy Annual Lecture

16 June 2011

Presentation made at the "Middle East: The Cockpit of National Identities and Perpetual Conflict" Panel, 2011 University of Melbourne Festival of Ideas

24 October 2010

Sunday at Michael's on Collins, Melbourne.

During the Sunday service Dr Macanab spoke with Professor Camilleri.

The discussion can be seen on YouTube here

2000 - 2009

26 September 2007

Address given at function hosted by the Drebin Interfaith Council, Melbourne

10 November 2004

Address given to the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Malaysia

1980 - 1999

14 October 1984

Lecture:  'The Australian Context: Role and responsibilities'

The lecture was part of a one-day seminar sponsored by the Council of Adult Education

15 September 1984

The lecture was part of the Defence Strategies Seminar organised by the Office of Continuing Education, University of Adelaide

21 September 1983

Lecture sponsored by the Students Association Council, Deakin University, Melbourne
